Underground Coal Gasification
UCG – Underground Coal Gasification was developed about 100 years ago. The process allows to gasify coal into syngas underground without mining. Then, syngas delivered to surface to turn into energy, liquid fuels or chemical products – for this process see page ”CTL, GTL…”
The process was developed first in England at the end of 19-th century, larger development was done in 1920-s in Germany, and in 1950-s – 1960 s in Soviet Union by Skochinsky Mining Institute – 5 larges sites (one in Angren, Uzbekistan is currently running). In the USA, this technology got a large interest in 1980-s with major tests (12) by Livermore Laurence National Laboratory (LLNL), which developed CRIP technology – to use horizontal lines(it can be used horizontal lines drilled originally for SBM)
UCTL it is combination of underground coal gasification with syngas development and CTL – syngas conversion into syn fuels and chemicals. UCG uses a similar process to surface gasification. The main difference between both gasification processes is that in UCG the cavity itself becomes the reactor so that the gasification of the coal takes place underground instead of at the surface.
LEMAR and Skochinsky Institute of Mining (SIM) signed a cooperation agreement for international projects, and cooperate LLNL and Emerging Fuels for joined projects development. Currently, we are bidding for three projects in Kazakshtan, Columbia and India.